Alto Hospicio Judo Club Shines at Punta Arenas National Open Championship

Local Judo on the podium again, this time at the Punta Arenas 2024 National Open Championship, the Alto Hospicio Maho Judo Club achieved second place, behind the Hiroshima team from Iquique.

The excellent performance of the commune’s judokas was valued by the municipal authorities, who congratulated the athletes and the Technical Corps for defending the city’s colors.

Likewise, the municipal commitment to continue supporting the development of the martial art discipline was reiterated, which today positions Alto Hospicio as one of the greats at the national level.

For his part, the coach of the Maho Judo Club, sensei Marco Soto, was happy and proud of the performance of his pupils who advance in their training and skills every day.

He said that the two clubs he directs, the Maho Judo Club and the Hiroshima Judo Club, dominated the Federated National of Punta Arenas, where more than 500 judokas from more than 100 clubs from all over Chile participated.

Sensei Soto also highlighted the important support provided by the Promesa Chile Program of the Ministry of Sports of Tarapacá; the Sports College; and the municipality of Alto Hospicio; in addition to the great effort of the leaders and families of the athletes.


Among the athletes who topped the local team’s medal table, Kharla Casas and Patricio Urra stand out, who took first place in their different categories in which they competed. Similarly, the first places for Mathías Jaramillo and Diana Saavedra.

General Table

1 Kharla Casas, in Sub 18 +70, 1st

2 Kharla Casas, in Sub 21 +78, 1st

3 Patricio Urra, in Sub 18 +90, 1st

4 Patricio Urra, in Sub 21 +90, 1st

5 Patricio Urra, in Absolute +100, 1st

6 Diana Saavedra, in Sub 18 -52, 1st

7 Mathias Jaramillo, in Sub 13 -38, 1st

8 Stephanía González, in Sub 18 -57, 2nd

9 Demis Gómez, in Sub 21 -81, 2nd

10 Andre Zegarra, in Sub 15 -58, 2nd

11 Luis Llancalaguen, in Absolute -81, 2nd

12 Stalin Zegarra, in Sub 15 -64, 3rd

13 Jhon Ramos, in Sub 18 -81 3rd

14 Fabricio Cenizario, in Sub 15 -53, 5th

15 Maximiliano Sandoval, in Sub 15 -53, 7th

16 Matías Fernández, in Sub 18 -81, 7th

17 Xiomara Castillo, in Novices -48, 2nd

18 Grover Carvajal, in Novices -60, 3rd

19 Daniel Ruiz, in Novices -66, 3rd

20 Benjamin Belmar, in Novices -90, 3rd

21 Úrsula Azúa, in Novices -57 5°

2024-06-19 03:25:50
#Alto #Hospicio #Maho #Judo #Club #Vice #Champion #National #Federated #Judo #Club #Punta #Arenas


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