An arbitration unit set up by the FFR and the LNR with two former referees

The level of French arbitration had been targeted for some time, and the FFR decided to react. With the LNR, the two bodies designed a technical unit for professional arbitration, in line with the Performance Plan for Arbitration in the French Professional Sector launched in July 2023.

Mathieu Raynal and Romain Poite are part of the project

To set up this unit, which will begin on July 1, the federation has decided to include two former French international referees. Romain Poite, retired since 2022 and member of the technical staff of RC Toulon, as well as Mathieu Raynal, who has just retired at the end of the 2023-2024 season, will have to help “increase the skills of all French referees. »

“We are very happy to welcome Romain and Mathieu to our technical unit. Their experience and their skills are invaluable resources for French rugby,” declared the vice-president of the FFR, Jean Marc Lhemet, on the official website of the federation.

A significant drop in level

In 2019, five French referees officiated at the World Cup in Japan compared to only two in 2023 (Mathieu Raynal and Pierre Brousset). A decrease taken seriously by the president of the FFR, Florian Grill, who did not hesitate to deplore the general level of French refereeing internationally since his appointment in June 2023.


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