Ángel Di María Faces Decision Between Central and Besiktas: Special Security Operation Planned

Ángel Di María is spending his last hours wearing the national team shirt, while he is expected to announce whether or not he accepts Central’s proposal to wear the blue and gold shirt again. Everything seems to indicate that he would fulfill his dream of playing again in Arroyito, to such an extent that The club is working on planning a security operation to protect the player and his family. Should you decide to come to the city, it awaits you with open arms. If he agrees to return to Rosario, Di María would set aside the offer that Besiktas of Türkiye had made him.

The rogue leadership has been carrying out the seduction operationto the point that On May 18, he approached Fideo and his representative with the contract he was offering. There has not been any kind of response yet because Angelito focused his attention on the national team and would only announce his answer in the next few days.

The trip of the president of the Auriazul, Gonzalo Belloso, with his wife, Carolina Cristinziano, to the Copa América “It has nothing to do with speaking with Di María,” sources close to the club told Ovación. And they made it clear that everything is done on the proposal and highlighted the guarantees that they would give him in the city so that he can enjoy his return to the club. Even, of the five changes that can be made to the Copa Sudamericana roster, the auriazules would leave a spot for Fideo.

The issue of security is not a minor detail. Di María has received several threats. The player has always spoken out about this and expressed his concern about the issue. That is why there will be special treatment so that Angelito and his family can spend their stay in Central with peace of mind.

>>Read more: What support does the agreement that they are talking about in Türkiye between Di María and Besiktas have?

Embed – Di María dreams of returning to Rosario Central and winning the Libertadores: “It would be the final touch”

What would the special security operation to take care of Di María and his family consist of? Not only would there be private custody for the player, but it would also be an armored car at their disposal, an operation assisted by the Special Operations Troops together with the Federal Police and there would even be a police accompaniment both at matches and in training.

Without a doubt it would be a special operation. The growing violence in the city motivates this special treatment towards an international figure.

In Türkiye they want Fideo

In the midst of Central’s tense wait for confirmation, Besiktas (Türkiye) offered Di María a one-season contract And in that country they even take the arrival of the national team player for granted. Of course, Central’s weight is important and the issue is more about sentiment than economics.

>>Read more: Angel Di Maria’s mother gave a note with one condition: not to talk about her son’s future

Although Di María has recently expressed himself about what he will do, speculation abounds and in Turkey an alleged agreement with the Turkish entity was announced..

“Besiktas reached an agreement on financial conditions with the world-famous Argentine winger Ángel Di María. The only problem right now is the transfer offer that the player receives from his country (by Central). Among the information we have obtained is that the player, who planned to finish his career in his country before Besiktas’ offer, is currently in the decision stage, butor Besiktas’ offer is much higher than the other offer. The star player will inform Besiktas management about his decision shortly, according to the Gusholderhaber news portal.

The truth and the concrete thing is that Di María has not yet expressed himself about his future. and only starting next week could he make his decision known. Everything seems to indicate that Central would be the chosen club, but so far it is an opinion with great hopes.

2024-06-28 12:54:00
#Details #security #operation #Central #preparing #Ángel #María


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