Ángel Di María’s Heartwarming Moment: A Lasting Memory with His Daughter on the Field

“An unforgettable moment.” That was the title of the Copa América social media accounts for the touching scene. Ángel Di María, captain of the Argentine national team against Peru in the absence of Messi due to injury, and playing his last tournament in the Albiceleste jersey, stepped onto the field at the Hard Rock Stadium in Miami, holding hands with Mía, his eldest daughter.

Still with his appetite for titles intact after winning the World Cup in Qatar, Fideo gave himself a treat that will remain engraved in his memory for the rest of his life. And also that of his heir. In addition, the left-footer from Rosario Central added a stellar role in the opening goal at the start of the second half. After a huge collective play that included 16 touches in just under a minute, Di María went further with a first-class assist for Lautaro Martínez, who finished with skill.

In the 70th minute, it was the Benfica player who, until Sunday, has not yet decided on his future and will be a free agent on Monday, who led the counterattack and then passed to Montiel, who sent in a cross and won a penalty for handball. However, the chosen executor was Leandro Paredes, who hit the post. Fideo could have shot, but he chose to give the honour to his teammate. He then left the field in the 76th minute – he was replaced by Valentín Carboni.

But nothing that happened throughout the development was more important for the footballer than that moment for posterity with his daughter, who accompanies him in this “last dance” together with her sister and her mother Jorgelina.

“I am happy, I have wanted to do it for a long time. Today I was able to go out with one of my daughters and it was very nice,” he said after the match. “It is great to be able to be captain of the National Team, although every time I get to play it is because Leo has something. We all try to do what is necessary so that his absence is not felt on the field. Luckily he is fine and we hope that we can have him in the next match,” he concluded.

Ángel and his wife Jorgelina faced a significant challenge in 2013 when their daughter Mía was born prematurely and with a less than optimistic prognosis. Doctors warned them that there was a 30% chance of her surviving. The event occurred while Di María, a Real Madrid soccer player, was in full season. In the first months, the girl suffered a severe infection and anemia, which required transfusions to stabilize her.

After 60 days in the neonatal unit and several attempts at improvement, the doctors removed Mía’s respirator and the girl was able to breathe on her own for the first time. This recovery was a crucial moment for the family.

Five years later, in 2018, Di María shared his feelings in a letter published in “The Players’ Tribune.” In that letter, the player expressed: “Maybe they see me crying with the Cup (the Champions League) and think that I cry for football. But in reality I am crying because my daughter is there in my arms to live that moment with me.”

Today, Mía is not only his pride. She is one of his supporters in this last stage in the National Team. “I suffer. I know that there is less and less time left. I hope, God willing, he helps me once again and we make it to the end,” the idol confessed a few days ago. For now, Argentina is already in the quarterfinals and on Thursday, in Houston, it will try to take another step towards the second championship. And the Di María family will be there to support the attacking midfielder, who lives in a state of permanent homage.

2024-06-30 11:47:13
#Marías #tender #image #match #Ive #wanted #long #time


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