Anti-Semitic taunts: the right of admission was applied to five All Boys fans | The fans were sanctioned for inciting violence, discrimination and xenophobia

The Football Safety Committee of the City of Buenos Aires reported that the right of admission was applied to the five All Boys fans involved in the anti-Semitic taunts towards Atlanta in the match that was played last Saturday at the Islas Malvinas stadium for a new date for the First National.

The entity that depends on the Buenos Aires Ministry of Security announced the disqualification of these five fans from entering for inciting violence, discrimination and xenophobia. Furthermore, the Floresta club, during the next two days of the tournament, will not be able to allow the entry of flags or drums into the stadium, the institution must issue an apology and the team must go out to play the next matches it plays at home with one or more flags with messages of repudiation of discrimination, xenophobia and violence.

The Minister of Security of the City, Waldo Wolff, assured that “what happened in the match between All Boys and Atlanta is far from the sporting spirit and what is permitted. It is an incitement to violence, xenophobia and discrimination that we will not to allow and that is why today we are applying exemplary sanctions to excessive behavior.

“From the Ministry of City Security and the Football Safety Committee, we are going to continue taking the measures that are necessary so that order is respected inside the fields and that the sporting spectacle can be enjoyed by everyone, in family, with tranquility and security. In the City there is no place for the violent” added the Buenos Aires official.

The five All Boys fans were arrested near the Islas Malvinas stadium and received sentences of 12 and 48 months.

Gastón Ezequiel Panzini, 45, received a 48-month ban for carrying a coffin with the colors of the Israeli flag, and the rest of the detainees received a 12-month ban from entering the fields of the City of Buenos Aires.

2024-06-12 03:01:00
#AntiSemitic #taunts #admission #applied #Boys #fans #fans #sanctioned #inciting #violence #discrimination #xenophobia


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