Appamean Archers Face Tough Competition in National Tournaments

Several highlights were on the program for the Appamean arch company. Concretely, the competitions continue unabated and the archers battle every weekend, taking on new challenges with bow in hand. It was notably the last stage of the national youth trophy (TNJ) in Rochefort with two representatives from the Ariège sub-prefecture.

They easily passed the Cut with Ewen in U 21 finishing 16th with 585 and Jordan in U 15 finishing 7th with 598. A good omen for starting the matches. Unfortunately, facing very tough opposition, the two Appamean archers did not pass the first round even though they led 4 to 0, they finally had to lose 4 to 6.

“The weather conditions and success will not have been on their side. It’s a shame, but we must continue to hang on, the next deadlines should be more favorable for our young hopefuls who can only improve and progress ” estimates the staff of the Arc Appamean company.

At the same time, one of the last selective meetings for the French individual and team championships took place. Some local archers headed to Balma to improve their national ranking. This was done for Emmanuel in seniors 2 who finished 3rd in the competition, as well as for Miroslav and Lucas in seniors 3 who finished 1st and 2nd respectively.

Next weekend the local archery company will travel to Lavaur to attack the home stretch of the championships with always in sight the rise to the national level for seniors.

2024-06-19 13:01:00
#Appamean #Arc #Company #numerous #challenges #sight


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