Archery Exhibition Wraps Up Aguilarense Patron Saint Festivities

Sunday, June 30, 2024, 8:31 p.m.

The archery exhibition on Sunday morning attracted many neophytes (and others not so much) of all ages who wanted to feel for the first time the grip of the bow and the tension of the string in their hands and learn how to properly release the arrows, guided with extreme patience and excellent advice by the members of Aguilarco, organizers of the event.

Likewise, the members of the Aguilar Archery Club showed their expertise by shooting arrows at the targets installed in the urban center of the town. Likewise, there were also many who gathered around the transitory shooting range to praise the amazing aim of these skilled archers.

Sunday’s day has been full of activities, from morning to night, that have put an end to the Aguilarense patron saint festivities that have been experienced with so much effusion and joy over the course of two weeks by neighbors and foreigners. A few days with a lot of movement, color and energy. Although for some they have been complicated by night noise to fall asleep.

For this reason, the mayor of the municipality, María José Ortega, has already requested in the holiday program “an effort towards coexistence, harmony, celebration, to make the lives of those around us a little more fun, to relativize the difficulties.” , the worries, the troubles”, thanking “in a very special way, all the neighbors who, on these festive days, make work and rest compatible with the hubbub of others; for your patience and understanding.

A few days full of diversity and a lot of activities in which people have had fun, in which it is announced that summer has arrived and will also be full of activities of the most varied kind, with sports competitions, courses, traditional markets, camps, musical performances, paella ollerense, and of course the star event of the summer season, the International Meeting of Street Arts, Arca, which this year celebrates its thirtieth edition.

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2024-06-30 18:31:46
#Aguilar #bids #farewell #festivities #archery #exhibition


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