Ardiglione Riders Shine at Fitetrec-Ante Italian Beginners’ Horse Archery Championship

The Fitetrec-Ante Italian Beginners’ Horse Archery Championship is dressed in orange with the riders of the ASD Polisportiva l’Ardiglione of Rocca Sinibalda. Two boys from Rieti on the podium in this splendid race, held at the Equi Home in Cerveteri last weekend (8 and 9 June).

First place and title of Junior Champion in the Club2 category to Simone Colapicchioni and second place to Carlotta Carroni in the Arena 30 category. Excellent results also for all the other riders of the Ardiglione with a note of merit to Eva Gargiulo of only 11 years who placed fourth in its Child Club2 category and seventh in the general classification. Great satisfaction from all the staff for the results achieved in a rapidly growing discipline in Italy and around the world.

2024-06-12 10:34:04
#Horseback #Archery #boys #Rieti #podium #Cerveteri


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