Astros and Marlins Dominate on Third Day of Baseball European Cup in Valencia, Spanish Teams Impress

The third day of the Baseball European Cup in Valencia has left a positive balance for the Spanish teams by forcefully imposing themselves on their respective rivals. Astros defeated the Belgian Deurne Spartans 19-4 and the Marlins beat the French Les Cougars Montigny 23-2.

At the end of the day, in group B the leader positions have been defined for Marlins and bottom, for Diving Ducks. The two remaining teams will fight tomorrow, Friday, for second position to have access to Saturday’s semifinals.

In Group A, today’s results leave Astros and Barracudes tied for first place and the Belgians and Austrians tied for third. The four teams will fight among themselves tomorrow to obtain the best positions.

In the first match of the day, Diving Ducks have succumbed to the Croatian team and that leaves them with a total of 3 defeats at the bottom of the table, while the victory of the Croatians allows them to fight tomorrow against the French for second position and access to the semi-finals.

In the second match, Marlins Tenerife once again showed their high level of play and beat their French rivals 23-2, ending the match by difference in the fifth inning. The Tenerife offense has scored 5 runs in the second inning, 11 in the third, 4 in the fourth and 3 in the fifth, to Les Cougars’ 2. The Marlins finish the qualifying phase as undefeated leaders and rest until Saturday for the semifinals, in which they will beat the second-place team in Group A.

The third game faced the hosts Astros of Valencia with Deurne Spartans and from the first minute the Valencians have shown their desire to take the victory. In the first inning they scored 4 runs, 2 in the second, 9 in the third and 4 in the fourth and they finished by difference in the fifth. The Belgian team managed to score 1 in the third and 3 in the fourth, but without posing any danger to the Astros’ interests. On the mound, Jorge Balboa as a starter has only allowed 2 hits during two innings and has given way to his relief to reserve strength for the next games. Alvarez conceded 4 runs and closer Decena finished with just one hit.

The Valencian offense has been impressive, connecting with 19 hits, 3 home runs (Donnels, Ochoa and Febles) and with numerous bases driven by practically all the members of the team. The Valencian team leaves us with a very good taste in our mouths, which works very well as a whole and tomorrow at 5 p.m. they face a complicated match against the French Barracudes for first and second place in the group.

The Cup can be followed by streaming on

2024-06-07 11:55:33
#Astros #advance #Baseball #European #Cup #Valencia


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