Astros Baseball Club Wins Bronze in Baseball European Cup 2024

June 10, 2024 • Press releases, News, Sports news

The Valencian team beat the French team Montpellier Barracudas 8-1 in the match for third place

On June 9, the latest edition of the Baseball European Cup concluded all its matches held at the Río Turia Facilities (Section VI) Baseball-Softball Field throughout the week with podiums for the two Spanish representatives in the competition, Astros and Marlins de Tenerife Baseball Club. The Tenerife team was proclaimed champion against the Croatian club, Olimpija Karlovac, which took the silver medal, while the Valencian team won the bronze medal.

In the third place match between the Astros Baseball Club and the French team Montpellier Barracudas, the host team took the victory 8-1.

From the beginning, the Valencian team took to the field with confidence and ambition, captained by pitcher Yosbany Torres. Already in the first inning, the Astros scored three runs to one for the French, which in the end would be their only score. Astros continued scoring one in the third, two in the fourth and two in the fifth, to none of Montpellier.

In the Valencian defense, Torres led the team, preventing the opponents from having any option in attack with an iron fist. Successful, precise and with absolute control of the different situations, in the game he pitched the nine innings with total control and confidence. He allowed three hits, committed only one error, and eliminated eight French batters on the fast track without issuing a walk.

The Astros Baseball Club wins bronze in the Baseball European Cup 2024.

On offense, the Valencian bats performed better than any other Astros game in the competition. Febles, Donnels and Cayones stood out in hits and RBI along with Decena and Galicia.

The final of the Championship faced Marlins Tenerife and Olimpija Karlovac. The Tenerife team won the title by beating the Croatians 11-1, in a very close match at the beginning, in which Karlovac’s team stood up until the third inning, when they were losing by only 1-2. In the fourth, the Marlins scored four runs, two in the sixth and one in the seventh, ending the game with a difference of 10.

Marlins take a well-deserved title, with a great level of hitting (15 hits), the award for best hitter for Luis Rodríguez (average .800) and the MVP (most valuable player) for Lester Galván.

At a general level, highlight the great atmosphere that has existed on the field, on the part of all the participating teams, organizers of the Cup, the Valencian Baseball Federation, organization of the field itself, impact on the media and the public and fans.

The European teams have been impressed with the environment, field location and the city of Valencia itself, as a perfect option to organize a tournament of these characteristics.

The Valencian team beat the French team Montpellier Barracudas 8-1 in the match for third place.

2024-06-10 14:06:56
#Astros #Baseball #Club #wins #bronze #Baseball #European #Cup


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