at 12 it almost reaches 26%. Marine Le Pen’s right wing is the favourite, Bardella can become prime minister

2024-06-30 12:08:49 Boom in turnout in France, at 12 almost 26%

The expected boom in voter turnout is confirmed in France: 25.9% of voters, 1 in 4, had already voted at midday. A percentage that increased significantly compared to the first round of 2022, when only 18.43% voted at the same time.

2024-06-30 10:50:41 Bardella voted, leader France Insoumise also at the seat

The president of the Rassemblement national and candidate for prime minister Jordan Bardella he voted in the seat of Garches, in the Hauts-de-Seine. Bfmtv reports it. Manuel Bompard, national coordinator of France Insoumise, instead voted in Marseille as he himself reported by sharing a photo of himself on X.

2024-06-30 08:12:57 Very high turnout expected. The first results after 8pm

Polling stations are open from 8am in metropolitan France, where around 49 million voters are called to the polls for the first round of legislative elections in 577 constituencies. French people will be able to vote until 6pm or 8pm in big cities, when the first results emerge of this suspenseful vote that could shake up the political landscape and pave the way for the far right to take power. High participation is expected: turnout could be around 67% of those registered on the electoral lists, well above the 47.51% in the first round of the 2022 legislative elections.

2024-06-30 08:06:58 Polling stations open

Polling stations open in France for the first round of legislative elections.

2024-06-30 07:44:15 Context: What this election means

It has been 22 years since – it was the 2002 presidential elections – Le Pen, the elderly founder of the party that embodies the French far right, found himself, surprisingly, thrown into the second round. It was the first time, the Front National and the Elysée separated by a vote. The Front Républicain was set in motion, that reflex that until then had pushed the French who were not far right to vote, in the second round, together with all the other parties against the common enemy, the FN. Little or nothing remains of the Republican Front, the march of legitimacy of Marine has demolished it. The consequence is that in the run-off the RN will be able to exploit the divisions between Macronians and the left: both, in fact, will only in some cases give up to transfer the votes of the weaker to the more competitive candidate. In other cases, RN will win, which according to the latest surveys is close to an absolute majority (289 seats). The latest polls see RN at 35%, New Popular Front (NFP) at 29%, Ensemble at 20%, the Républicains at 9%. The most rapid and “crazy” electoral campaign in the history of France – 20 days – was characterized from the beginning by the dramatic announcement of Eric Ciottipresident of the Républicains, of an electoral agreement with the lepenists. A sort of tear in that “glass ceiling” that had until now prevented the far right from forming any alliance to gain power. In one fell swoop, analysts wrote, Macron’s choice has self-destructed the majority and opened a breach in the tradition of Gaullism as a barrier to the Front National and its heirs. At the same time, the president’s drastic decision to make the country face up to its responsibilities has allowed the creation, in a few days, of a Popular Front of the left that ranges from the radical left of La France Insoumise led by the controversial “tribune” Jean-Luc Mélenchon, to the ecologists and even the socialists of Raphael Glucksmann, a moderate and reformer who had revived the extinct Socialist Party, bringing it to third place in the European elections. Many, almost 4 out of 10 of Glucksmann’s voters, said they disapproved of the choice to join the most extreme left, which has also fallen into recurring accusations of lack of internal transparency, populist programs (especially the cancellation of the pension reform with the return to 60 years for everyone) and even anti-Semitism. The electoral campaign was vehement, sometimes verbally violent, but without even the time to delve into the issues. The majority trusted the prime minister Gabriel Attalwho has challenged Bardella on several occasions in TV debates: competence and pragmatism versus the desire to change the rules and values. Among the RN’s proposals, suspension of immigrant regularizations, end of ius soli, important positions prohibited to those with dual nationality. In the final hours of the campaign, a clash over the prerogatives of the President of the Republic, with Marine Le Pen proclaiming that Macron “cannot send troops to Ukraine” because “the title of head of the armed forces is only honorary for the president”. Cohabitation in power has already begun.

2024-06-30 07:42:40 High turnout in New Caledonia

High turnout at the polls today in New Caledonia, a French territory in the South Pacific, for the first round of an election that could give France for the first time a far-right government cohabiting with President Emmanuel Macron. «The estimated turnout at 12.00 (3.00 in Italy) was 32.39%. In the previous elections, in 2022, it was 13.06% and 15.76% in 2017,” the High Commissioner of the Republic announced in a statement. “The vote is taking place with a large majority, without incidents and in a safe manner,” he added, at a time when tension remains high in the archipelago after the unrest caused by the electoral reform rejected by the pro-independence movement. Around 229,000 inhabitants of New Caledonia were called to the polls to elect two deputies for the French territory. When the polls opened at 7:00 local time, long queues formed at various polling stations in Noumea, as an AFP journalist observed. Polls will close at 5pm local time (8am in Italy). The High Commissioner announced that the only incident concerned Houaïlou, a municipality on the eastern coast of the archipelago, where «access to the town hall was blocked by demonstrators who prevented the opening of the various polling stations and therefore conduct of the vote”. The situation “has not yet stabilized in the municipality”, continues the note. Last night, the Houaïlou gendarmerie was also the subject of “violent attacks, with the use of a bomb to damage the premises”

2024-06-30 10:10:13
#reaches #Marine #Pens #wing #favourite #Bardella #prime #minister


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