At the Homeless Euro, human warmth before victory

The gaming setting is dreamy. A Five pitch, made of synthetic grass, delimited by low walls and surrounded by tubular stands, all placed in the middle of Hamburg’s teeming fan zone, right next to the Millerntor-Stadion, the lair of Sankt Pauli. Since Monday, the field has been the scene of “Homeless Euro 2024”, the tournament reserved for the homeless. The final phase took place this Friday afternoon in a friendly atmosphere and in front of around a hundred curious people, including a few police officers installed on the stairs.

The matches are played four against four, goalkeepers included, and in two periods of eight minutes, with official referees, mixed squads and more or less contractual jerseys. The organization is headed by the association “Anstoß” (which means “kick-off”; federal association for social integration through sport, for the long version).

“This is our third continental edition, the first this big,” explains its manager Stefan Huhn. We had invited a lot of teams, we hoped for around twenty, but only eight were able to make the trip. » All staying in two local hotels that offered significant discounts. FC St. Pauli, promoted to the Bundesliga, also provided a financial and logistical boost.

Here, the club, the neighborhood and the city do a lot to fight against exclusion. This friendly competition is a nice illustration of this. “It’s a sporting, media and social success,” insists Huhn. The teams feel comfortable, which is an important part for us. This will not revolutionize our perspectives but we need visibility. The end result doesn’t matter. Lifting the trophy is not the main objective. » It was Lithuania who won the event at around 5 p.m., before a closing ceremony with the various participants.

During the final against Hungary (4-2), the Belgians, last in the standings, put on a show from the stands. The player-coach initiated a clapping at half-time, relayed by the referees in the center of the field. “We are not high-level athletes. We’re here for fun,” Yohan smiled a little earlier, returning from the refreshment bar. Sliders on his feet, crampons laced on his shoulders, sunglasses raised, cigarette in his mouth and fish and chips in hand, this 39-year-old Frenchman, originally from Saint-Étienne, enjoyed the event.

He worked as a team leader in France, traveled everywhere and found himself on the street after various personal problems and a painful separation. Direction Antwerp to give a new twist to his life. He attended reception centers there and, three years ago, joined the local charity’s football team. “The nomads”, as they say in chorus. People who are homeless, in reintegration or detoxification. Yohan prefers to laugh about it: “Me, it’s been around fifteen years since I last touched a ball! We do training and tournaments from time to time. As long as I’m having fun, that’s the main thing. I’ve had enough trouble like that in the past. »

Holder in point with the number 8 on his back, wiping his fingers during the warm-up and during the anthems, he narrowly missed the opening score against the Germans for seventh place. Final score: 4-1 for the Nationalmannschaft, thanks in particular to a goal from its attacker celebrated with the opposing captain. Nordine, 49, reduced the gap in vain on the Belgian side. “Eighth in Europe, that’s not bad, right? “, he jokes.

The happy gang will return to the flat country on Saturday, after the last luxury of a hot shower and comfortable bedding. The return to harsh reality after an enchanted interlude. On Sunday, Yohan will earn a few dozen euros by helping to signpost a sports race. “It allows me to feed myself. No buying a plasma screen, that’s for sure, he indulges in a final touching tirade. You know, now I’m happy with the minimum. I wouldn’t say that I’m happy, of course, but I’m not unhappy either. »


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