Athens Fans Remain Hopeful Despite Loss: A Tough Journey Through the Argentine Basketball League

“Ohh, we’re going to come back, come back, come back…”, the Athens fans sing full of enthusiasm despite the loss at home. A stop to so much illusion. In this very tough adventure through the Argentine Basketball League, everyone in the General Bustos neighborhood knows how difficult it is, how complicated it is to achieve the goal. But confidence is intact in the group that fully assumed the weight and pressure of returning “as soon as possible” to the National League, even though it encountered a new obstacle.

Gustavo Peirone’s team lost to Racing de Chivilcoy by 73 to 67, the final of the League is tied 1-1, and on Saturday they will go away again, to regain the advantage, as they did in Salta and also in Suardi. They already lost at home in the quarterfinals and in the conference final. It is another example of character that the team will have to give to achieve the much desired promotion.

The legendary Cerutti was, once again as in all the playoffs, overwhelmed by a public that feels identified with what the team delivers on the field. The demanding Athens public gave extraordinary support to a team that has always taken on the great challenge.

The game was very tough, with an improved Racing, which barely allowed 31 points in the first half to Green (against 45 in the first duel). He improved a lot in the third chapter (he won it 22-12) but in the final segment it was all about the visit, with the internal duo of José Peralta and Emilio Stcky dominating the game. El Verde couldn’t score for more than five minutes in the fourth period and Racing did its business and took home-field advantage to Chivilcoy.

He fought with what was left of his strength and it was not enough for Atenas, who had Lucas Arn as their repeat scorer with 19 points, 5 rebounds and 4 assists, supported by the work of José Montero with 11 points, 6 rebounds, 3 assists and 3 steals, and Juan Oberto with 12 points and 7 rebounds.

The Athens Party

The game started with a lot of goals. Atenas, with the dynamics provided by Carlos Buemo and the scoring of Lucas Arn, took a 10-5 lead in three minutes. It was played with gritted teeth, to the limit, as a final demands. Racing sought and won a lot in the inside game with Emilio Stucky and José Peralta. A three-pointer by Peralta gave them the lead on the scoreboard by 17-16 with 35 seconds remaining.

El Verde was not good in the three-point shot (2/9 in the quarter) and the Chivilcoy team narrowly won the initial segment.

Athens had a hard time scoring in the second quarter. He had little patience and settled for trying the triples that the visiting defense left him. And he didn’t put it in, he saved with Chris Ware near the rim.

Racing, calmer, moved the ball and found some gaps. Furthermore, he took advantage of Green’s lack of effectiveness and escaped 35-25 with 2’15 on the clock. The Buenos Aires team did not allow the pairs game between Arn and Juan Oberto and the General Bustos neighborhood team suffered a lot even to throw (8 losses). The captain scored his second triple of the game and Atenas scored 31-37 on the way to halftime.

Peirone’s team began the third chapter with an 8-3 run in almost three minutes and narrowed it to one: 39-40. A couple of triples came in (by Montero and Arn) which opened up the rival defense, and there was space for the insiders to play in pairs (Arn-Oberto) and Atenas went on to win 46-45 in 5’15.

With the growth of Montero and Oberto to join Arn in scoring, Atenas won the third episode by 53 to 49.

The Academy opened the final quarter with pure energy, and with a run of 13-7 in 4 minutes, they went on to win 52-60. The Córdoba attack was blocked again. It became predictable, too sung, with a lot of one on one from Arn against a well stopped defense.

Atenas spent almost four minutes without scoring, while Racing won the offensive rebound and extended the difference 67-60 with 3’14 left. Atenas made the last effort but could not reverse the result, and will go to Chivilcoy to regain home advantage.

2024-06-12 02:00:58
#lost #Racing #Chivilcoy #final #promotion


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