Audits and review of contracts in the municipality of La Chorrera

The transition team of the elected mayor of La Chorrera, province of Panama Oeste, Eloy Chong, confirmed that a series of audits, as well as the review of various municipal services concession and outsourcing contracts.

Glue Delgado, vice mayor-elect, said that these audits seek to confirm the state of municipal finances, even though the outgoing administration presented the bank statements until May 2024.

Delgado said that “We will not hesitate to file the respective complaints if necessary,” Although, we are confident that there will be no major inconveniences.

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He added that, on the issue of outsourcing contracts and municipal service concessions, “More than finding anomalies, you have to check that things are done well.”

One of the contracts to be reviewed will be the one signed with the EMAS Panama Beolia, which expires in two years and for which it will be necessary to decide the viability of renegotiation or a new public tender.

In addition to the administrative concession for a period of 20 years of the municipal slaughterhouse, awarded to the firm Unicarne.

Regarding municipal finances, the outgoing mayor, Thomas Velasquez, He launched a statement through social networks in which he specifies that his administration leaves in the bank until June 28, a balance of $1,253,387.12.

The statement adds that There is no debt with the Social Security Fund (CSS) nor with any municipal official; in addition to having complied with the disbursement of the funds assigned to each of the 18 community boards.

It also details that as of May 31, 2024, the project has been executed 35% of the 2024 spending budget.

Regarding the decentralization fund, there is currently $2.9 million in the fund available to the incoming administration for the execution of works and projects.

Regarding the income budget, as of May 2024, This represents 53% of the estimate set at the beginning of the year.

2024-06-30 18:05:26
#Audits #review #contracts #municipality #Chorrera


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