Awkward Moment on F90 Program: Racing Coach Asks Morena Beltrán if She’s a Boca Fan

This Friday, in the F90 program that is broadcast on ESPN, there was an uncomfortable moment on air, which featured the journalist Morena Beltrán and the Racing coach, Gustavo Costas. The situation even caught the attention of Pollo Vignolo, who couldn’t help but be surprised by what had happened.

Read also: Lucas Blondel underwent an unpublished questionnaire and revealed what made him most fall in love with Morena Beltrán

It all started when Costas referred to the match against Boca, which his team lost 4-2, at La Bombonera. “Against Boca it was one of the games in which we were playing the best. Boca kicked the first shot on goal at 24 minutes, which scored our first goal. (Before) they had not arrived,” declared the academic DT.

Costas’ question to Morena Beltrán: “Are you from Boca?”

In the background, Morena Beltrán made a comment that provoked an unexpected reaction from Costas. “It was a great goal…” said the journalist in reference to that first goal, which her boyfriend, Lucas Blondel, scored.

Costas’ question to Morena Beltrán: “Are you from Boca?” (Video: ESPN).

“It was a great goal, yes. You are from Boca, aren’t you? Are you from Boca?” was the Racing coach’s question to Morena Beltrán, clearly uncomfortable. At one point, Pollo Vignolo even thought that the question was for him, so he was also surprised.

On the networks, in fact, many focused on the face of the host of the program, whose expression changed when he heard those words.

“No, no, because my boyfriend (Blondel) did it, that’s why,” the journalist clarified, with a smile. At that moment on the floor they began to laugh at the unusual situation.

2024-06-08 01:39:00
#UNCOMFORTABLE #moment #Morena #Beltrán #experienced #air #ESPN #viral #reaction #Pollo #Vignolo


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