Badminton Club Pleyber-Christ Thrives with Interclub Meetings, Youth Programs, and Plans for 30th Anniversary Celebration

The badminton club held its general meeting on Saturday morning, June 22, 2024, chaired by Stéphanie Lefèvre and François Le Gall in the presence of Marie-Claire Parcheminal, deputy mayor.

The club continues its dynamic with around fifty adult players and around twenty young people.

Interclub meetings were also organized and the traditional tournament of November 11, recognized at the departmental level, was a great success.

For next season, he is looking for a supervisor to maintain the youth slot, on Mondays, from 6 p.m. to 7:15 p.m.

He also plans to celebrate the club’s 30th anniversary and, to do this, he would like to identify all the former players who can come forward via the Badminton Club Pleyber-Christ Facebook page.

Stéphanie Lefevre wanted to particularly thank Jean-Yves Dilasser and his team for dynamically providing supervision to the young people.


Contact : tél. 06 52 88 80 29.

2024-06-26 13:07:26
#badminton #club #PleyberChrist #supervisor #young #people


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