Badminton Thrives in Estella-Lizarra, Navarra: A Closer Look at the High-Performance Athletes at Belmecher Badminton Club

Navarra is one of the communities that practices badminton the most and best, specifically the town of Estella-Lizarra, where high-performance athletes meet weekly. A “very complete sport, which requires speed and reflexes,” explain those who practice it.

Estella-Lizarra excels in badminton

At the Belmecher Bádmiton Club they work daily with athletes from other communities, who then see their effort and travel rewarded with good results. The role of families is also fundamental to maintain a sport that, although not being one of the best known, has its potential in Navarra.

2024-06-30 14:34:07
#EstellaLizarra #excels #badminton #News #Navarra #Television


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