Bari Warriors Baseball Club Appeals to City Administration for New Facility

The vice president of the Warriors, Enzo Serino, launches an appeal to the Bari administration

53 years of history behind us, passing on the passion for a sport that comes from the other side of the world, but which has inspired many young people from Puglia. It is the story of the Bari Warriors baseball club team which since 1971 has been producing new players for this sport characterized by the use of bats and gloves. In the current season, the Warriors are even first in the standings, with the concrete possibility of obtaining promotion to Serie B by winning the end-of-season playoffs. The paradox, however, derives from the fact that, even in the event of promotion, the team would have to give up the category jump due to the lack of an adequate facility in Bari. A truly unacceptable scenario, as underlined by the vice president, Enzo Serino.

In fact, to play their matches, the Apulians have been forced to play in the facility in Noicattaro since 2004. In fact, in recent years the administration of Bari has not been able to find a useful area to build a new plant, despite the efforts of the outgoing mayor Antonio Decaro

The hope is therefore to soon be able to find a new home in the Bari area for the Warriors. Not only for the sporting ambitions of the team, but also to satisfy the requests of many tourists who come from all over the world to the Apulian capital.

2024-06-20 17:03:26
#Paradox #Baseball #club #Bari #Warriors #dream #promotion #facility #play


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