Barjouville Badminton Club Awarded Silver Label by Regional League

Barjouville. Presentation of the silver label to the Barjouville badminton club. This year, for the first time, the Centre-Val de Loire Badminton League has set up labels to reward clubs for their initiatives according to five categories: “well-being”, “responsible”, “bad for all”, “disability”. ” and “user-friendliness”.

It is in the latter that Cédric Grosjean, strategic director of the regional league, presented a “silver” label to the badminton section of the BSCL (Barjouville sport culture leisure), Monday evening, at the Barjouville sports complex. “It’s a guarantee of good practice, people have a good time and want to come back,” he explained

Nathalie Verrey, president of the club, explains having organized various activities falling into this category, including the fluorescent tournament, where players play in the dark and can see through their outfits and the markings on the ground, or the Halloween evening where each player has played in disguise.

The club, which has 87 members, intends to win other labels next year, including “bad for all”, linked to the number of women involved, and “bad responsible” by recycling steering wheels.

Practical. Training takes place Monday, Wednesday and Friday evening. At the start of the school year, a new section will be offered to families.

2024-06-28 04:00:00
#bad #section #friendliness


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