Bas Oosterbaan: The Frisian Eel Smoker Who Sells His Wares in Amsterdam’s Canals

Bas Oosterbaan, ‘the Frisian eel smoker’ from Koudum, sells his smoked eel several days a week from a boat in the Amsterdam canals. Not from a sailing yacht, as the headline above a new article on the Omrop Fryslân website suggests. No, Oosterbaan does that like an old-fashioned parlevinker from a motor boat, on which Oosterbaan smokes the eel in a barrel and often sells his wares while singing.

In the article, the Koudumer explains how he came to sell smoked eel in this way. Someone once gave him that tip and expected that tourists in particular would come to this special way of selling. They often find it strange. It is mainly the people of Amsterdam themselves who stand in line when Oosterbaan takes his route through the city canals.

The entire article on the Omrop Fryslân website is here to read. previously paid attention to this activity of Bas Oosterbaan, including here and here.

2024-06-23 19:58:06
#attention #paid #Frisian #eel #smoker #Koudum


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