Basile Lipovac Promoted to Black Belt at Boulazac Judo Club Ceremony

Young Basile promoted to black belt and Xavier Mangeot his teacher. Francis Acquaert

Parents came to attend the belt presentation of the 50 children at the Boulazac Judo Club, Friday June 21.

To end the sports season, the Judo Taïso Club of Boulazac, chaired by Vincent Mathieu, organized a belt presentation to its members. The ceremony took place at the end of the last training session, to which parents and friends were invited, in the Boulazac dojo, Espace Lucien Dutard.

Basile flew over seven people before his roll reception on the tatami. Francis Acquaert

From 6 p.m., the room was full and the judo training session, led by Xavier Mangeot, 4th Dan black belt, began with a gentle warm-up with the 50 children involved in this belt presentation, including the black one for the young Basile Lipovac, aged 16 and with 12 years of practice in this sport. The children were aged 9 to 12 and were among the 136 members of the Judo club (plus 30 members who practice Taïso).

All these young people will receive their Francis Acquaert grading belt

Basile Lipovac aims for black belt

Some friendly fights took place between children and adults of the club. A demonstration of a judoka flyover performed by Basile, followed by a rolling landing, astonished the audience and sparked prolonged applause. Basile, a brown belt, who is preparing for his black belt, had to score points in competitions called shiai. These competitions bring together brown belt judokas who wish to become black belts. In shiai there is no age category but only weight. The judoka must capitalize 100 points on several shiai, or win five fights or at least 44 points in the same competition. In addition to winning fights, you must master the techniques by obtaining four units of value: Katas, technique, efficiency and personal commitment to the development of the club.

The awards table with the black belt for Basile Lipovac Francis Acquaert

“This year’s results are favorable with a 10% increase in membership for Taïso and Judo with a female presence of around 40%. This year, the club received the Bronze Label, newly offered by the French Judo Federation. I look forward to seeing all members next season because the 2024-2025 season will also be the club’s 30th anniversary year,” congratulated Vincent Mathieu.

Francis Acquaert
2024-06-30 12:55:04
#Judo #children #received #belts #Taïso #Judo #club #Boulazac


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