Beijing Traditional Sports School Badminton Competition 2024: Enhancing Youth Physical Fitness and Sports Talent Development

China Daily, June 28: In order to further promote the development of traditional sports schools across the city, continuously enhance the physical fitness of young people, promote the improvement of young students’ sports level, and discover, select and cultivate sports reserve talents, from June 22 to 23, the “China Sports Lottery Cup” 2024 Beijing Traditional Sports School Badminton Competition was jointly sponsored by Beijing Municipal Sports Bureau and Beijing Municipal Education Commission, hosted by Beijing Kaisibo Sports Development Co., Ltd., supported by Beijing Sports Lottery Management Center, and co-organized by Beijing Oriental Yonghe Cultural and Creative Investment Co., Ltd., Beijing Dina Sports Culture Co., Ltd., Beijing Beituo Sports Industry Co., Ltd., and Dongguan Siboas Sports Goods Technology Co., Ltd. It was successfully held at the Beijing Lucheng National Fitness Center.

The competition lasted for two days and consisted of five groups: high school group, junior high school group, elementary school group A, elementary school group B, and elementary school group C. Participants competed in mixed groups of high school group, junior high school group, elementary school group and men’s singles and women’s singles of high school group, junior high school group, elementary school group A, elementary school group B, and elementary school group C. A total of 260 athletes from 17 traditional badminton schools in the city participated in the competition.

During the two-day fierce competition, the athletes fought hard and demonstrated their good competitive state and mental outlook with their skillful techniques, precise levels, calm awareness and tacit teamwork.

Zhang Zihang from the Experimental School of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics participated in the competition of the high school group. He has been practicing badminton since the first grade of primary school. Through badminton, he has strengthened his body and developed a healthy lifestyle of loving sports. He said: “It is because of my active participation in badminton that I have developed a cheerful personality, can get along better with my classmates, and grow together through a common hobby.”

Zhou Yuxin from Beijing No. 171 Middle School usually practices badminton in her spare time and on weekends. She has been playing badminton for ten years and not only loves this sport, but also benefits from it and has a healthy body. She said: “Badminton can train people’s thinking, cultivate the courage of participants, and teach me what persistence is. My parents also support me in practicing badminton and encourage and support me when I encounter difficulties. In the future, I will continue to participate in badminton as my lifelong pursuit.”

Liu Kaibo, a coach from Beijing No. 171 Middle School, said that at the competition site, the majority of contestants showed a very high level of athletic ability, and at the same time, badminton has also been better developed through this competition. In recent years, badminton has been greatly developed in primary and secondary schools in Beijing, which is inseparable from the platform built by the Beijing Sports Bureau and the Beijing Education Commission.

The chief referee of this event introduced that this traditional sports school badminton competition has rich events and covers a wide age range. In order to ensure the smooth progress of this competition, the Beijing Badminton Association has uniformly selected referees to ensure that the competition is fair and just.

The relevant person in charge of the Beijing Municipal Sports Bureau said that the Beijing Traditional Sports School Badminton Competition not only provides a platform for communication and exchange for primary and secondary school students in Beijing, but also improves their enthusiasm for participating in badminton and creates a positive, healthy and positive sports culture atmosphere. At the same time, it promotes the improvement of students’ physical health and sports literacy, and also makes positive contributions to Beijing’s sports cause. In the future, these young athletes will continue to show their strength and competitive spirit in the competition, and show the achievements of Beijing’s youth sports work in the new era.

[Editor: Qi Lei]

2024-06-28 08:04:36
#China #Sports #Lottery #Cup #Beijing #Traditional #Sports #School #Badminton #Competition #held #China #Daily


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