Belgian Union Apologizes for Controversial Video Ahead of Match Against France

Here’s something to remove all the controversy. Just before Johan Bakayoko spoke this Saturday during the traditional press conference, Stefan Van Loock wanted to comment on the news, and more particularly the “controversial” video of Pablo Andres.

In this video, the comedian sang “Who will tackle Mbappé in the shin? It’s Amadou Onana”, enough to spark controversy on the other side of the border.

At the start of the press conference, the press manager of the Belgian Union reacted: “I would like to make a small comment on the video posted yesterday showing that Mbappé had to be tackled in the shin. We have already worked several times with Pablo Andres. And every time, it’s for humorous purposes. In this case, it was meant to be humorous, but it wasn’t. We apologize to those who may have been offended by this video. For our part, the matter is over.”

Johan Bakayoko sees “no favourite” for the match against France
2024-06-29 11:03:00
#supposed #humorous #wasnt #Belgian #Union #apologizes #Pablo #Andres #video


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