Bgirls Sissy and Carlota, Bboy Lagaet Qualify for Paris Olympics in Breaking Event

The Bgirls Sissy and Carlota as well as the Bboy Lagaet obtained, this Sunday June 23 in Budapest, their tickets for the Paris Olympics where breaking will make its first appearance, joining the dancer Dany Dann, the first qualified Frenchman in the history of the discipline. Sya Dembélé, nicknamed Bgirl Sissy and bronze medalist at the last Worlds, finished fourth in the Olympic Qualifier Series in Budapest, where the last quotas were issued for this new Olympic sport. Slightly less efficient during these OQS, Carlota Dudek (20th), known as Bgirl Carlota, and Gaëtan Alin (13th), known as Bboy Lagaet, also managed to qualify thanks to their world ranking this year. These three breakers will accompany Dany Dann, one of the favorites of the discipline at the Olympics, who had obtained the first quota for the Blues thanks to his coronation at the European Games in Poland in 2023. This summer, the breaking events will take place on the 9th and August 10 at La Concorde urban park, in the heart of Paris, where BMX freestyle, skateboarding and 3×3 basketball will also take place.

Published on: 06/23/2024 – 9:40 p.m. Modified on: 06/23/2024 – 9:45 p.m.

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Frenchman Dany Dann during the Red Bull BC One World Final in Paris, October 21, 2023. © AFP / Martin Lelievre

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2024-06-23 19:49:48
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