Bisceglie Lions Triumph in High-Level Basketball Championship

«We achieved the objective of survival in a championship in which, in addition to the high technical and qualitative factor expressed by the rosters on the parquet, the organization and professionalism of the clubs proved to be very important». The words of president Nicola Papagni perfectly summarize the very high level context in which the Bisceglie Lions have operated, reaching the precious goal of remaining the first team in the National Serie B. «38 regular season matches, several of which were midweek, facing long journeys, often in the northern regions, with the difficulties increased by the intensity caused by a very busy calendar of commitments, which sometimes made it impossible to train with a certain consistency» he explained the top manager of the Nerazzurri club. «But as always, as in the DNA of the Lions, the difficulties encountered have released, at various levels, all the best energies of our basketball community and I can only be grateful and proud of this» he added. «I would not like the flattering results obtained by our youth movement and mini-basketball to be underestimated, in particular the second place achieved by the Under 17 Eccellenza team in the Puglia Cup».

The president has clear ideas about the near future: «We will take advantage of the negative experiences to put them aside and grow further, investing to improve what is needed and to enhance our strengths. I thank all the sponsors who support us with their economic contribution, despite being aware that we will have to count on local companies determined to support, with the right financial energies, the sustainability of a first team in the National B, which I would like to highlight is the championship most important that the city of Bisceglie can boast, without wanting to diminish the value of the other disciplines”. The 2023-2024 competitive year goes to the archives: «I consider it very positive overall, albeit with some tribulations».

Nicola Papagni is convinced: «The Lions will always guarantee high-level basketball in this city and our historic partnership is cemented by a solid relationship of trust with the public, which I thank together with all my partners. We can’t wait to return to PalaDolmen to experience those emotions and feel that adrenaline that only basketball can produce.”

2024-06-02 18:00:27
#Lions #Basket #Bisceglie #balance #season #president #Nicola #Papagni


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