Blue Flame Brilliant Glory Crowned | The 2024 ‘Flame Blue Cup’ Basketball and Badminton Competition of the Provincial Fire Rescue Team Concluded Successfully

Youth shines brightly, sweat gathers strength

From hard work to struggle to summer

After four sub-competition areas: Zigong, Dazhou, Deyang and Liangshan

326 preliminary matches in 12 days

Battle for the Glory

It took another 3 and a half days and 150 finals

Fire rescue teams across the province

2024 “Flame Blue Cup” Basketball and Badminton Finals

A wonderful ending and a successful conclusion

Please follow Chuan Chuan to review this exciting event!

On the morning of June 28, the 2024 “Flame Blue Cup” basketball and badminton finals and closing ceremony of the provincial fire rescue team were held at the Wenjiang District Basketball Hall in Chengdu. Nong Youliang, secretary of the Party Committee and political commissar of the Corps, attended the closing ceremony and delivered a speech. The members of the Corps’ Party Committee at home attended the closing ceremony. More than 200 athletes, coaches, referees and staff from 16 teams across the province attended the closing ceremony. The closing ceremony was hosted by Wang Shoujiang, member of the Corps’ Party Committee and deputy political commissar.

At the closing ceremony, Zhong Tingyuan, member of the Party Committee and Director of the Political Department of the Corps, announced the results of the competition on behalf of the organizing committee. The leaders present at the ceremony presented trophies, medals and medals to the winning units and individuals.

(Leaders present at the meeting presented awards to the winning units and individuals)

At the closing ceremony, Political Commissar Nong Youliang fully affirmed the successful, safe and smooth holding of the event. On behalf of the Party Committee of the Corps, he extended warm congratulations to the teams and athletes who achieved excellent results, expressed cordial condolences to all the athletes who fought bravely, and expressed sincere thanks to the organizing unit, referees and staff for their careful organization and hard work!

Political Commissar Nong Youliang emphasized that the team at all levels should take this competition as an opportunity to further inspire fighting spirit, gather strength, and go all out to ensure safety, stability, and promote development. We must adhere to political team building. We must thoroughly study and practice the spirit of the General Secretary’s important instructions, give full play to the “lifeline” role of political work, strengthen the absolute and comprehensive leadership of the Party, always maintain the political character, forge a loyal team soul, and firmly defend the “two establishments” and resolutely implement the “two safeguards” with practical actions. We must adhere to cultural team education. We must strengthen the construction of firefighting guard culture with loyalty to the core, loyalty to the people, loyalty and bravery, and faithful responsibility as the core, leverage modern media and social and cultural institutions, cultivate a group of cultural and sports backbones, create a group of cultural boutiques, widely carry out mass cultural and sports activities, and effectively use cultural soft power to stimulate the combat effectiveness of the team. We must adhere to talent-based team building. Highlight core functional positions, vigorously implement the “six major projects” for talent training, accelerate the construction of a full-cycle and full-chain talent training system, continue to strengthen the training of leading talents, innovative talents, and professional talents, and strive to create a high-quality talent phalanx. We must adhere to the main business to develop the team. We will continue to carry forward the fine style of “strive for the first place and take up the responsibility when seeing the red flag”, and effectively transform the entrepreneurial enthusiasm generated by this basketball and badminton competition into a powerful driving force for effectively fulfilling our duties and missions and promoting the high-quality development of the team. We must not forget our original aspirations and forge ahead, and effectively promote Sichuan’s high-quality development with high-level fire safety, and contribute firefighting forces to Sichuan’s modernization construction in the new era!

Strive to forge elites and show prowess on the field. Amid warm applause, the 2024 “Flame Blue Cup” basketball and badminton competition of the provincial fire rescue team came to a successful conclusion!

Review of the highlights of the game

Witness the glorious moment together

Basketball Champion

New Firefighters Team

Basketball runner-up

Headquarters Representative Team

Basketball runner-up

Mianyang Detachment Team

Badminton team champion

Mianyang Detachment Team

Badminton team runner-up

Meishan Detachment Team

Badminton team third place

Zigong Detachment Team

Badminton Leader Men’s Singles Champion

Luo Weiyi, Director of the Political Department of Zigong Detachment

Badminton Leader Men’s Singles Runner-up

Chen Gang, political instructor of Santai Battalion of Mianyang Detachment

Badminton Leader Men’s Singles Third Place

Wei Xin, junior professional and technical officer of the combat training department of Suining Detachment

Badminton General Commander Men’s Singles Champion

Zhi Xinrui, a full-time firefighter of the Meishan Brigade

Badminton General Commander Men’s Singles Runner-up

Liu Qiang, clerk of Guang’an District Brigade of Guang’an Detachment

Badminton General Commander Men’s Singles Third Place

Xian Zhuowen, a full-time firefighter of the Dazhou detachment

Badminton Men’s Doubles Champion

Chen Gang, political instructor of Santai Battalion of Mianyang Detachment

Wang Jiahao, Deputy Station Manager of Lushan Road Station

Badminton Men’s Doubles Runner-up

Zhi Xinrui, a full-time firefighter of the Meishan Brigade

Shi Linjie, a firefighter at Baipo Road Station

Badminton Men’s Doubles Third Place

Yang Mingkun, political instructor of Diamond Street Station of Nanchong Detachment

Zhang Boling, a firefighter at Jiaochang Road Station

Left: Yang Mingkun Right: Zhang Boling

Badminton Women’s Singles Champion

Mianyang Branch Legal System and Social Fire Fighting Department

Junior professional and technical position Chen Jie

Badminton women’s singles runner-up

Peng Lingling, full-time deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Suining Detachment

Badminton Women’s Singles Third Place

Wang Huan, junior professional and technical officer of Dechang Brigade of Liangshan Detachment

Excellent Organization Award and Sportsmanship Award

Chengdu Detachment, Dazhou Detachment

Basketball Most Valuable Player

New firefighters induction training brigade second squadron Fang Dazheng

Badminton Most Valuable Player

Tao Shuping, an intern from the Mianyang Detachment

Silhouette of people behind the scenes

In fact, behind the scenes of the basketball and badminton finals

There is also this side

Let’s turn our lens to obscurity

The dedicated workers behind the scenes

Your serious look sparkles

So far

2024 “Flame Blue Cup” Basketball and Badminton Competition

The curtain has come to a successful conclusion

Congratulations to all the winners

Excellent results achieved

Comrades who did not win the award

Please continue to work hard

Let us look forward to the next game together

Achieving greater success

Original title: “Blue Flame Brilliant Glory Crowned | The 2024 “Flame Blue Cup” Basketball and Badminton Competition of the Provincial Fire Rescue Team Concluded Successfully”

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2024-06-29 07:46:14
#Blue #Flame #Brilliant #Glory #Crowned #Flame #Blue #Cup #Basketball #Badminton #Competition #Provincial #Fire #Rescue #Team #Concluded #Successfully


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