Bologna Takes Game 1 Despite San Marino’s Comeback Efforts

The first game of the series goes to Bologna despite the comeback in the last innings.

Fortitudo wins 3-2 hitting fewer hits (5-6) but making the most of the three runs scored in the first four innings. The reaction from San Marino arrives, but at -1 it is shattered by the man left on second in the 7th. The winning pitcher is Lopez, the loser is Pedrol. Game 2 today in Serravalle, game 3 tomorrow in Bologna. Always at 20:30.

The home team begins its attack in the 1st with Agretti’s infield hit, followed by Paolini’s single. Helder is the first out, at the plate, while Martina is eliminated on the diamond. One elimination away from closing the second half, Bologna scored thanks to a defensive error on Gamberini’s rebound (1-0).

San Marino has a great opportunity to tie the game in the 2nd, especially because the inning opens with a walk to Alvarez and a subsequent double by Celli. With two men in the starting position and zero out, however, the offense fails to generate any points and Fortitudo remains 1-0.

In the 3rd the hosts double their lead. Agretti opens with the base ball, is on second base on Helder’s single and goes to score the 2-0 on Martina’s hit. In the 4th the 3-0 also arrives with the base to Fernandez and the single from Agretti, with the game at that point seeming entirely on Bologna’s side.

In the 6th, however, San Marino touches the newly introduced Herrera well. The first pitch of the relief is welcomed by Angulo with the turn of the bat which is worth a nice single, then here is the base ball to Alvarez. Celli is out at the plate, but on the next turn a wild pitch advances the runners. Tromp is out on the fly from the outside and the decisive turn is that of Pieternella. The outfielder finds good contact in the opposite field, with the ball going over the infielders and allowing his teammates to run the bases. Angulo scores 1-3, while Alvarez is called out at home plate.

In the 7th minute our team tries again. After Lopez’s elimination, Di Fabio earns a precious base ball and Ferrini hits a great double that makes it 2-3. With the tied point at second base and one out, however, Diaz goes strikeout and Angulo is eliminated on the fly by Dobboletta.

Bologna wins 3-2 game 1.

Fortitudo Bologna – San Marino Baseball 3-2

San Marino Baseball: Ferrini 1b (2/4), Diaz 3b (0/4), Angulo 2b (1/4), Alvarez r (0/1), Celli ec (1/3), Tromp dh (0/3), Pieternella ed (1/3), Lopez ss (1/2), Di Fabio es (0/1).

Fortitude Bologna: Agretti ed (2/3), Paolini 2b (1/3), Helder 1b (1/2), Martina 3b (1/3), Gamberini dh (0/3), Dobboletta ec (0/3), Liberatore r (0/3), Fernandez ss (0/1), Bertossi s (0/2).

San Marino Baseball: 000 001 1 = 2 bv 6 e 1

Fortitudo Bologna: 101 100 X = 3 bv 5 e 0

Launchers: Pedrol (L) rl 3.2, bvc 5, bb 3, so 3, pgl 2; Baez (r) rl 2, bvc 0, bb 2, so 2, pgl 0; Kourtis (f) rl 0.1, bvc 0, bb 0, so 1, pgl 0; Lopez (W) rl 5, bvc 3, bb 2, so 4, pgl 0; Herrera (S) rl 2, bvc 3, bb 2, so 2, pgl 2.

Note: doubles by Celli and Ferrini.

2024-06-28 08:40:40
#Baseball #Game #Bologna #beats #San #Marino


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