Boys with the Tricolors: “We will still try to be present but with upside down flags.” Parliamentary question requested

After the problems encountered in all the matches played by the national team so far in Germany, comes the official press release from the Boys with the Tricolori. Last case – only in chronological order – the one concerning the boys from Massa, stopped at the border with Germany, detained for several hours and finally rejected and forced to go back complete with expulsion orders for Leipzig (the city where Italy was engaged yesterday against Croatia), despite no crime having been committed. Exactly like on the other two occasions. The note reads:: “Identifications, arrests, preventive seizures, expulsions from Germany… all this in just three games and without having committed any type of crime. It is not our habit to make statements or feel sorry for ourselves, our personal and group stories have always led us to pay with our heads held high for every action we take. However, this cannot be a valid reason to remain silent in the face of these real abuses. We would have liked to experience another type of European, being able to compare ourselves in our own way with the other European realities present, but all this was not granted to us. It is automatic to think that the Italian police with their “long arm” is doing everything to facilitate the absurd repressive conduct experienced on our skin at the hands of the German authorities. This is undoubtedly a sign that what has been sown in recent years has borne fruit, under the sign of extremism and no compromise. The Boys with the Tricolori will try to be present again and again, until the national team takes the field, regardless of where and how. Our presence will be marked by the tricolors displayed backwards. This will be our greatest victory, we will laugh in the face of those who are doing everything to see us on our knees. Until they take us all away…

Freedom for the Boys with the Tricolors!!.

Precisely by virtue of a situation that seems to be bordering on persecution, the deputy Alessandro Amorese announced the presentation of a parliamentary question to the Minister of the Interior Piantedosi and to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Tajani: “A group of fans, almost all from Massa, traveling in a van and regularly in possession of a ticket to watch the match between our national team and Croatia this evening in Leipzig for the European Championships – writes Amorese in an official note – was blocked for hours by the police on the border with Germany. The reasons for what these fans suffered are not entirely clear at the moment, because they do not seem to be dictated by concrete risks to public order or by illegal actions committed. In particular, based on the elements learned so far, the group of fans, detained around 11pm last night at the border with Germany, could not enter Leipzig because some of them were in Dortmund for our national team’s match. against Albania last June 15th. It was in Dortmund that they were identified but released by order of a judge, without any measures taken against them, several hours after being taken to the police station in the German town. This morning, however, three of them discover that they have been banned from Leipzig due to the checks they were subjected to in Dortmund and that the other five will not be able to enter the city where the match against Croatia will be played, for the trivial fact of being in the same van as those banned fans. I will present a question to the Minister of the Interior Matteo Piantedosi and the Minister of Foreign Affairs Antonio Tajani to gain clarity on the real reasons that have repeatedly pushed for controls and stops of our compatriots, forced for hours to undergo incomprehensible treatment, and to have complete that it was not a series of abuses. At the moment, in fact, the group of our compatriots and fellow citizens seems to be “guilty” only of wanting to support our national team at the European Championships”.

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2024-06-25 11:58:52
#Boys #Tricolors #present #upside #flags #Parliamentary #question #requested


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