Breaking Barriers: Summer Campuses Introduce Young People with Disabilities to Paralympic Sports

Offering young people with disabilities the opportunity to experiment with different motor, pre-sports and paralympic sports activities: this is the objective of the summer campuses for introduction to paralympic sports organized by the CIP and aimed at bringing together many young people with physical and sensory disabilities and intellectual to the Paralympic disciplines, breaking down every type of barrier, physical, economic and cultural.

The 2024 edition which is taking place in Lignano Sabbiadoro, in the province of Udine, and Nova Siri, in the province of Matera sees the involvement of around 150 families.

Young people with disabilities, accompanied by their families and supported by specialized technicians from the Federations recognized by the CIP, will have the opportunity, in these days, to try their hand at various activities, including cycling, athletics, archery, rowing, fencing, table football, sitting volleyball, showdown, table tennis, blind football.

The summer introductory campuses for Paralympic sport are totally free and open to girls and boys, girls and boys with disabilities from every part of Italy. In the previous three editions, summer and winter, around 800 girls and boys with disabilities were involved with an average age of 14 on the summer campuses and around 10 years on the winter ones.

“It is a source of great satisfaction, for me and for the entire Paralympic family, to see how much the Paralympic sport introductory campuses have now become a structural project. Events of this kind represent an opportunity for well-being and sociability but also a contribution to the civil growth of our society. Our goal is not only to find the champions of tomorrow but also and above all to create an opportunity for growth through fun and sharing moments of sport”, declared CIP President Luca Pancalli.

2024-06-21 16:17:24
#Italian #Paralympic #Committee #Summer #introductory #campuses #Paralympic #sport #edition #Lignano #Sabbiadoro #Nova #Siri


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