Bronny James Drafted by Los Angeles Lakers: Father-Son Duo Makes NBA History

Thomas Siniecki, Media365: published on Friday June 28, 2024 at 1:00 p.m.

Bronny James was selected by the Los Angeles Lakers during the draft, in the second round. It doesn’t matter if this place is too high for him, the stakes were obviously elsewhere.

It was expected, it was even becoming increasingly clear as day with the appointment of JJ Redick to the Lakers bench, still without the slightest experience as a coach (40 years old) but the former player is close to LeBron James… Which the management of the legendary Los Angeles franchise is trying to deny as fiercely as possible, at least to minimize the real impact of “LBJ” on this change, except that reality is hard to deceive. As expected, Le Bron James’ son, named Bronny, was selected by the Lakers in the second round of the draft – the one where Zaccharie Risacher, Alexandre Sarr and Tidjane Salaün had all been taken in the top 10 the day before, and the first two in the first two places by Atlanta and Washington.

“He’s definitely better than some NBA players.”

It is therefore absolutely no surprise, as the superstar has been campaigning for the recruitment of his 19-year-old son for months, almost years. Except that many make fun of this choice… LeBron James recently assured that his offspring was “definitely better than certain NBA players”, making fun of them in passing without mentioning any names. For a large number of observers, starting with Lakers fans, Bronny James does not have much to do in the second round of the draft, without having ever really proven himself at the university level.

It’s hard not to confirm, almost certainly, that this was not a mandatory condition for LeBron James to stay in Los Angeles, when he could have claimed to join another franchise. There will indeed be a father-son duo in the NBA for the first time in history, and nothing really seemed to be able to oppose it. Bronny James’ agent even threatened the other franchises to send the player to Australia if they had ever selected him before the Lakers, according to the Warriors manager (Bob Myers) who announced it explicitly – and with a smile – on ESPN.
2024-06-28 11:00:00
#Lakers #LeBron #James #play #son #Bronny


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