Building the Next Squad: Changes and Challenges at Limoges CSP Under New Leadership

Ten days after Lionel Peluhet took control, where is Limoges CSP in building the next squad? The new sports director Crawford Palmer has already validated several departures. If the break with French winger Lucas Ugolin follows both sporting and financial logic, it is not quite the same thing for interior Danilo Nikolic. The Montenegrin interior fully met expectations on the floor, but his salary was expected to increase significantly in his second year of contract. Impossible to keep it with a payroll announced to be slightly lower by the DNCCG. Ditto for American pivot Ike Udanoh. Unless there is a surprise, he too will leave. The recruitment of foreign players which for the moment is taking a back seat.

Ongoing discussions with Lang and Chassang’s agents

The priority is to keep a solid backbone of French players. For captain Nicolas Lang, discussions continue. Same thing for pivot Alexandre Chassang. If the tendency is towards optimism, there is nothing done yet. Lucas Beaufort is also still under contract. He has very good value for money and he has already expressed his desire to stay and his coach to keep him. There is no reason to see him leave the CSP this summer. The coach still has one year of contract. After having done the job in a very complicated context this season and while finances are limited, Jean-Marc Dupraz has a good chance of remaining the coach of Limoges. Just like his deputy Romain Leroy. On the other hand, the club began looking for a second assistant to replace the German Dominik Günthner.

2024-06-19 15:25:35
#Limoges #CSP #French #players #foreigners


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