Burglary at the father of footballer Kingsley Coman in Seine-et-Marne: nearly 500,000 euros in damage

Had they been informed that this pretty pavilion belonged to the father of French international footballer Kingsley Coman? In any case, once again, this weekend, the family of a football star was targeted by burglars. It was around 10:30 a.m., Saturday morning, when the police were called for an intervention in Vaux-le-Pénil, near Melun (Seine-et-Marne). One of the beautiful houses on this peaceful street suffered a break-in.

According to our information, the thief or thieves forced the door at the back of this second home to enter the premises. The house therefore belongs to Kingsley Coman’s father. The Bayern Munich player is currently in Germany to participate in the Euro football championship with the Blues.


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