Calhanoglu, the agent sees Bayern. Inter request for 70 million

“Inter don’t want soap operas, the resolution of the case in one sense or another will have to be quick. A very high offer will be needed, net of Calhanoglu’s talks with Bayern, to take the Turk away from Milan. From Viale della Liberazione they have already set it. And that’s what they will tell Bayern if they were to show up: 70 million euros. It’s a monstrous figure, for a player who is about to turn 31. If anything, that 70 million will be the point starting point of an interview, but probably not the point of arrival. It goes without saying that a possible departure from Calhanoglu would totally change Inter’s transfer plans: the priority, at that point, would become finding a replacement for the Turk on the market, which is not an easy task. “, explains the newspaper.

2024-06-23 06:00:04
#Calhanoglu #agent #sees #Bayern #Inter #request #million


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