Carabinieri Come to the Rescue of Elderly Woman with Memory Loss in Bologna

(©Carabinieri Press Office)

However, the elderly lady from Bologna stopped in front of the “Carabinieri” sign on Via Galliera to ask for help

The Carabinieri of the Bologna Indipendenza station rescued a 92-year-old from Bologna who suffered a memory lapse while she was walking under the towers.

The elderly woman, resident in the centre, had left her house to take a walk under the towers when she suffered memory loss which prevented her from remembering what she was doing and where she was going. It was instinct that led the 92-year-old to stop in front of the “Carabinieri” sign on Via Galliera and ring the bell to the soldiers at the Bologna Indipendenza station for help.

Upon seeing the old woman, the Carabinieri understood that the lady had been affected by a loss of the ability to recall memories, including personal details, residential address and other details useful for identification. After having looked after, reassured and warmed the 92-year-old who was cold, the Carabinieri alerted 118 and thanks to the few details that she had provided them, they managed to track down a niece who was contacted and informed of what had happened.

Upon the arrival of the medics, the elderly lady was transported to the Maggiore Hospital for checks.

2024-06-20 16:19:30
#Bologna #year #leaves #home #memory #lapse #walking #towers


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