Carlo Dirella Signed as Assistant Coach for Pallacanestro Fiorenzuola 1972

Pallacanestro Fiorenzuola 1972 officially announces that it has signed the contract that will link it to the technical figure of Carlo Dirella as Assistant Coach of Serie B for the next season. Dirella, born in 1994 in Castel San Pietro Terme, began his coaching career among the ranks of International Basket Imola in 2015/2016, managing to work alongside coach Lorenzo Dalmonte in the same club. After several seasons in the red and white jersey and one as assistant at Andrea Costa Imola in Serie B 2022/2023, a new experience in the last championship for Carlo, assistant coach at Ristopro Fabriano in Serie B Nazionale Group B. Carlo Dirella will have a commitment to 360 degrees in the Bees world, with his role as Vice-Coach and coach of a group of the yellow-blue youth sector who will complete the confirmed staff including Lorenzo Dalmonte as Head Coach, Pierangelo Mellone as Assistant Coach and Carlo Alberto Naldini as Athletic Trainer .

Here are Carlo Dirella’s first words in the world of the Bees: «My approach to Fiorenzuola was excellent, I know the quality of the work that the club has been doing for some time, unfortunately also as an opponent in the play-In that we lost when I was at Andrea Costa Imola, and I have always had many super positive references from the Bees environment. I believe that the roster that is emerging is competitive, hungry and characterized by technical continuity, which is something that should not be underestimated in such a long season as this year’s. My feelings are super positive, I thank the club and coach Dalmonte for the opportunity. I have known the coach for a long time, we shared the pitch during my youth career, when he was coach for the International. Incredibly I never had the pleasure of being together in a staff during my first years as an assistant in Imola, but I know well what he asks of his teams and collaborators. In addition to wanting to learn as much as possible, I will be proactive, sincere and supportive of all parties involved, with the aim of achieving all the objectives we set ourselves.”

2024-06-27 13:49:14
#Carlo #Dirella #coach #Pallacanestro #Fiorenzuola #Serie #Super #positive #feelings


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