Carolina Marín Sets Sights on Gold at Paris Olympics, Despite Challenges

The Spanish badminton player, Carolina Marín, sees possibilities of winning gold at the Paris Olympic Games, although he admits that it will be “much more complicated than in Rio (2016)”, where she was crowned Olympic champion. Despite these challenges, Marín is optimistic and confident in her abilities. “It’s much more complicated than in Rio, but I have my options,” Marín declared during the presentation of the ‘ADO, making history together’ event, in which she participated along with other Olympic athletes and sponsors of the project.

Marín has identified her main competitors for this occasion: the Korean An Sejong, current number one in the world ranking, and the Chinese Chen Yufei. “I believe that, honestly, one of the three of us is going to be the one to win that gold medal,” she emphasized. The Huelva native is fully aware of the difficult competition that awaits her, but she firmly believes in her potential and is focused on her goal.

Olympic Dream and Logistical Challenges

Carolina Marín has expressed her desire to be the Spanish flag bearer at the Paris Games, an honor that she considers a dream for any athlete. However, the possibility of badminton starting the day after the ceremony opening could complicate this wish. «I believe that for an athlete it is a dream to carry the Olympic flag. No one has called me yet, I know absolutely nothing,” Marín explained, showing his enthusiasm but also his concern.

The Olympic champion recalled that she broke her second knee three years ago, which adds a degree of complexity to her physical preparation. «I continue with my training and my concentration. But it is true that I have to take into account that physically three years ago I broke my second knee, And that is a lot of hours. “I would consider everything if they called me and proposed to be the flag bearer of Spain, but I have to keep in mind that it takes eight or nine hours on my feet, and that I compete the next day,” she explained.

Marín stressed that he would consider all the circumstances and consult with his team before making a final decision. If the competition is scheduled for the first morning after the ceremony, accept it could jeopardize your performance. “If the Spanish Olympic Committee could do something to change my schedule or propose playing on the second day, there would be fewer problems being a flag bearer,” she added. «The most important thing is health; If that is going to jeopardize my ability to achieve my great goal, without a doubt I will have to regret it very much and say no.”

Preparation and Recent Performance

In sporting terms, Carolina Marín comes from a mixed performance in her last tournaments, falling in the semifinals in Indonesia and in the quarterfinals in Singapore. «The feelings have been good, especially in this last tournament, because in Singapore I had a torticollis “That bothered me a lot and I played as best I could,” said Marín. Despite his physical difficulties, she stayed with the attitude shown on the track. “Despite losing in the semifinals, I’m calm, in quotes, because I know that what I have to improve are small things about quality as a midfielder,” he highlighted.

Marín regretted not having been able to give her best version in Singapore due to health problems, but she remains positive and focused on improving those small aspects technicians who can make a difference in the Olympic Games. “I would have liked to be better, because it is true that in Singapore I got that torticollis, which greatly prevented me from playing and giving my best version,” lamented the player.

During the event of the Association of Olympic Athletes (ADO), Marín stressed the importance of the support of companies and sponsors to meet their goals and dreams. «Without the support of companies it would be very difficult to achieve our objectives and dreams. We have an incredible sport in all aspects and for that reason we are grateful for this support, and on the other hand, that they continue betting because it is a safe bet,” he commented.

In conclusion, Carolina Marín prepares with determination and confidence to face the challenges at the Paris Olympic Games, aware of the tough competition and the importance of physical and mental preparation. “I know that many people want me to win that gold, but the one who wants it the most is me,” concluded the Olympic champion.

2024-06-11 13:51:45
#difficult #Rio #options


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