Carrión’s second says goodbye to Real Oviedo: “We set very high goals, we wanted to make history”

Domingo Cisma, Luis Carrión’s assistant during his stay in Oviedo, wanted to say goodbye to the blue fans before starting his new job in Las Palmas. If a few days ago Carrión did it through a video, his assistant did it through a letter on Twitter that reads as follows:

After a few days, and still ruminating on what I experienced on Sunday, it was nine months with an unusual intensity. We set very high goals for ourselves, we wanted to make history and return the club to the category it deserves for its fans. We lived through moments that will never be erased from my memory, comebacks against rivals who aspired to everything… Through a plague of injuries, but which made the team begin to forge something very strong, almost indestructible, which led to more people was adding to the cause and the blue ball was growing and getting bigger and bigger.

What I experienced this last month and a half of competition has been the greatest thing that has happened to me as a soccer professional. An entire city dedicated to its team. The receptions, the trips away from home with people without being able to see their team on the field, the We’ll be back playing with 30,000 people… It hurts a lot to think about the outcome of the season, I think we deserved another ending, but we couldn’t reach the goal. glory of the First Division.

I tell you that Real Oviedo has had its back covered for years, since I have seen an entire city of children dressed in the colors of their team, and that will last forever. That mix between children and those who have already been in the mud.

Thank you to Grupo Pachuca, president Martín Peláez, Agustín Lleida and Roberto Suárez, you have given us the tools to be able to work in the best conditions. Thanks to Luis Carrión for his courage, security, ambition and, above all, the humanity that you always show towards everyone. Thank you to the players for believing in the coach’s message from day one, for their commitment and dedication, but also for the respect they showed us.

Thanks to the coaching staff. Mauro for your joy, enthusiasm and professionalism. Bena for showing us from the beginning what it means to be a Real Oviedo fan and for your 24/7 dedication. And thanks Masca for coming without looking back and joining us to take care of every detail of everything, you are dedication and passion. Thanks to the entire medical service, David Bonilla, César, Gabri, Jesús, Carlos… there were difficult moments, but you always knew how to deal with them for the good of Real Oviedo above all else. Thanks to Silvino and Lito for your closeness and for making things easier on a day-to-day basis. Thanks to the communications department led by Laura and Jaime, you are at a very top level. Thanks also to Dani Bautista for your efficiency with your work.

In short, thank you, Real Oviedo for allowing me to be part of a piece of your history. Thank you Asturias, see you soon.

2024-06-29 11:36:03
#Carrións #goodbye #Real #Oviedo #set #high #goals #wanted #history


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