Celebrating Excellence in School Sports: The Awards Ceremony for “Youth Games” in Messina

It took place in recent days, at the Salone from the Flags Of Palazzo Zanca a Messinathe ceremony Of awards ceremony of the “Youth Games” and of school sports competitionsat the end of the year school year 2023/2024.

The organization of all sporting events, which involved the schools of Messina e Provincewas curated by the Provincial Organization for Sport at School (OPSS), chaired by the Superintendent of the School Office Provincial Stello Vadala and by the local representative for Physical and Sports Education Vincenza Colloràin close collaboration with the contact person for the School from the territorial structureSports and HealthAlfredo Cannavòthe territorial representative of the “Italian Paralympic Committee” Francesco Giorgio and the external expert Cristina Cavaletti.

In the “Youth Games“, reserved for 4th class e from the Primary Schoolthe schools winners of the title of Provincial Champion were: for the fourth classes the “Battisti-Foscolo” Comprehensive Institute of Messinaand for the fifth classes the Comprehensive Institute “Primo” of Milazzo, who also won the title of Regional Champion, during the final event, which was held last June 3rd in Palermo.

As regards, however, school sports competitions, reserved for secondary schools e II° grade, these are the representative winners of the title of Provincial Championin various disciplines.


Girls Category: “Santa Teresa di Riva” Comprehensive Institute

Boys category: IC “Cannizzaro-Galatti” of Messina

Cadette Category: IC “D’Alcontres” of Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto

Cadet Category: ICN 1 “Foscolo” of Taormina

Student Category: IIS “Caminiti-Trimarchi” of Santa Teresa di Riva

Student Category: IIS Liceo “Medi” of Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto

Junior Female Category: IIS Liceo “Maurolico” of Messina

Junior Men’s Category: ITTL “Caio Duilio” from Messina.


Cadette Category: Comprehensive Institute n. 1 “Capo d’Orlando”

Cadet Category: IC “D’Alcontres” of Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto

Student category: IIS Liceo “Medi” of Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto

Student Category: ITT “E. Majorana” of Milazzo, who also won the title of Regional Champion and represented Sicily in the National Finals, which took place at the “Adriatico” Stadium in Pescara.


Student Category: IIS “Verona Trento” of Messina, which also won the title of Regional Champion;

Student Category: IIS “Verona Trento” of Messina.


Single Category M/F: IIS “La Farina – Basile” of Messina.


Cadette Category: “D’Alcontres” Comprehensive Institute of Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto

Cadet Category: IC “Livatino” of Roccalumera

Student category: “Bisazza” high school in Messina

Student Category: IIS “Minutoli” of Messina.


Cadette Category: “Pascoli – Crispi” Comprehensive Institute of Messina

Cadet Category: IC “Boer – Verona Trento” of Messina.


Girls Category: “Alì Terme” Comprehensive Institute

Children’s category: IC “Giardini” by Giardini Naxos.


Single Category F/M: “Pascoli – Crispi” Comprehensive Institute of Messina

Student Category: IIS “Ainis” of Messina

Student category: “Archimede” high school in Messina

Junior F/M category: IIS “Maurolico” high school in Messina.


Cadette Category: “Giardini” Comprehensive Institute of Giardini Naxos

Cadet Category: IC “Boer – Verona Trento” of Messina, which also won the title of Regional Champion and represented Sicily at the National Finals, which were held in Agropoli and Capaccio Paestum.


Single Female Category: “Evemero da Messina” Comprehensive Institute

Single Male Category: IC “Mazzini” of Messina

Student category: IIS “Maurolico” high school in Messina

Student category: IIS “Maurolico” high school in Messina.

2024-06-19 13:52:36
#Messina #awards #ceremony #Youth #Games #school #sports #activities


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