Celebrating Inclusion: The Opening of Three New Dojos in Roubaix

A strong commitment to inclusion through sport

For several years, the JCO Roubaix has been involved in numerous social projects aimed at promoting the practice of sport for all. The signing of the agreements in January 2023 for these three new dojos marked the start of a great adventure which is coming to fruition today.

Unique spaces for sport, education and culture

The “Raymond Dubly”, “Brossolette” and “Nadaud” dojos are not only places to practice judo. They also aim to become real places of community life, where sport, education and culture will intersect.

A solid partnership for easier access to sport

These new dojos are the result of a solid partnership between JCO Roubaix, France Judo, Lille Métropole Habitat, Eiffage Construction and the City of Roubaix. Thanks to this partnership, the inhabitants of Roubaix benefit from easier access to sport, promoting social diversity and equal opportunities.

Sport, a vector of inclusion and social cohesion

As the Mayor of Roubaix pointed out during the inauguration, “today, more than ever, sport is a vector of inclusion and social cohesion”. Roubaix is ​​fully committed to this path with the Solidarity Dojos, thus contributing to the positive dynamics of the city, particularly in this Olympic and Paralympic year 2024.

A historic day for JCO Roubaix

These three new inaugurations mark an important step for the JCO Roubaix, which confirms its strong commitment to the inclusion and accessibility of sport for all. The new dojos will allow the club to continue its actions in favor of the inhabitants of the different districts of the city.

A promising future for judo in Roubaix

With these new dojos, JCO Roubaix is ​​equipped to meet the challenges of tomorrow and develop the practice of judo in Roubaix. There is no doubt that these spaces will quickly be taken over by the city’s young and old judokas, thus contributing to the influence of the club and the discipline.

2024-06-01 05:23:50
#Roubaix #dojos #access #sport


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