Celebrating the 3rd Adriano Potalivo Memorial: A Day of Sports and Unity at the Vincenzo De Santis Stadium

On the National Sports Festival day, 3rd Adriano Potalivo memorial, Sunday 2 June, a splendid event was staged at the Vincenzo De Santis stadium.
In addition to football, in the Piccoli Amici, Primi Calci and Pulcini categories, there are various disciplines, including Cycling, Karate, Muay Thai, Boxing, Judo, Volleyball, Cycling, Bowls.
As for football, which had the greatest number of athletes, in addition to the Montenero teams, there were those of Monteodorisio, Gissi, Sannicandro Garganico, Pescara Calcio, Sporting San Salvo.
For a total of over 250 athletes and around fifty coaches, teachers and collaborators.
Everything is therefore ready for the national sports day, organized by the ASD Calcio Montenero in collaboration with the municipality of Montenero di Bisaccia.
Let’s get to know football clubs better:
Pescara Calcio with the Pulcini category with mister Di Vincenzo Sara with the accompanying manager Romano Manuel.
Monteodorosio with the Pulcini and Primi Calci categories with Mister Vitelli Marcello together with collaborators Mirolli Cesare, Ciffolillo Luca and Di Giacomo Nicola.
ASD Sannicandro with the first kicks category Mister Soccio Rocco with his vocal collaborator Vincenzo.
Bacigalupo with the First Kicks with Mister Cinquina Nicola and with the Pulcini with Mister Bozzella Nicola.
Cantera Gissi with the Pulcini category with Mister Sigismondi Alex with the coordinator Ianniello Maurizio.
Sporting San Salvo with the First Kicks category with Mister Argentieri Matteo.

The other sports present, in addition to the beautiful reality of Bocciofila Montenero, were cycling,
BlackMount Volleyball with Mister Stefano Dragani, ASD Nuovo Judo Montenero with the masters Massimo Gatti, Angelo Di Iulio and Angelo De Dominicis, Muhay Thai Sparta Group with the master Laverghetta Giuseppe, Boxing with the master De Lellis Davide.
At midday they all had lunch together at the stadium thanks to the contribution of the Frentana proloco and collaborators of the ASD Calcio Montenero who prepared pasta for 500 people, as well as porchetta, French fries, kebabs and cutlets, in short, a large organization for a large event .
In the afternoon all the teams continued the football tournament, furthermore 2 other martial arts groups participated, Muhay Thai 360 with the manager Erika Tieri and ASD Rinascita Sakura Club which is the newly created Karate association with the master Antonio Grimaldi together to his father Domenico (6th DAN master).
In reality, the incessant rain in the afternoon did not facilitate the continuation of the event, but as is known, Italians have a spirit of adaptability and above all of overcoming obstacles, which meant that everyone continued to have fun.
The audience made everything more beautiful, giving greater satisfaction to the organizers.
All the participating companies received a souvenir plaque offered by the organization, in memory of a wonderful event, above all in memory of a great person who left a good memory: Adriano Potalivo.

2024-06-02 23:04:21
#National #Sports #Festival #Montenero


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