Chamber wants ‘affordable’ European Championship on a big screen, NOS will discuss a levy

ANP Football fans watch the first European Championship match between the Netherlands and Poland in Amsterdam

NOS Nieuws•vandaag, 23:15

A majority of the House of Representatives believes that entrepreneurs have to pay too much money to show the European Football Championship on large outdoor screens. Parties such as PVV, BBB, D66 and SP support the “moral appeal” of VVD MP Arend Kisteman to the NOS to do something about the prices requested for showing the football matches.

“This cannot be the intention, this is not possible for entrepreneurs,” says Kisteman about the report about this from RTL Nieuws. He received calls about the high levies that they now have to transfer to license holder Videma for showing football matches on squares and in tents.

The NOS announced on Thursday evening that it is taking the criticism seriously and will soon start talking to the parties involved, including Videma and NPO. “We attach importance to the fact that everyone can enjoy the matches of the Dutch national team.” The spokesperson cannot yet say whether the licensing costs will be adjusted.

3 euros per visitor

An entrepreneur who thinks it would be a good idea to set up a TV screen for a large group to watch Oranje together must pay approximately 3 euros per visitor. Videma assumes expected viewers, not people actually present.

That’s where the shoe pinches for the VVD MP. “For example, if it rains and fewer people come to the event, the entrepreneur still has to pay the full price.” He thinks something should change about that. Also the increased prices that Videma asks.

The problem is now current, because the Dutch national team is participating in a competition for the first time since 2014 in a warm season without corona restrictions. Previously, outdoor football match screenings were canceled due to these restrictions or because it was winter.

Paying for watching TV on big screens, what about?

The Videma organization has existed since 2000 and monitors the rights to show TV programs for a total of 19 different channels. This concerns screenings at smaller locations such as cafes and healthcare institutions, but also larger places, such as a theater, a tent or in a stadium.

Videma monitors the rights for public broadcasters, but also for commercial channels and program producers. The TV channels have invested money in their TV programs and they are copyrighted. These rights must be protected under the Dutch Copyright Act.

The NOS has the rights to the European Football Championship. The money for the event license is collected by Videma.

2024-06-20 21:15:14
#Chamber #affordable #European #Championship #big #screen #NOS #discuss #levy


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