Children Learn Basketball at Haliliye Municipality Summer Sports Schools During Holiday Break

Şanlıurfa, June 29 (Hibya) – Children who take advantage of the holiday spend their time learning basketball with Haliliye Municipality Summer Sports Schools.

The Directorate of Culture and Social Affairs continues its sports activities with the slogan “Haliliye, the Heart of Health and Sports”. Children who show interest in courses in various branches where champion athletes are trained are receiving training from expert trainers. Little athletes who learn technical rules in the basketball course where training is provided at Eyüp Cenap Gülpınar Sports Center are improving themselves with training. The little ones who take advantage of the summer vacation and spend time in sports thanked Mayor Mehmet Canpolat who is with the children with courses in various branches and swimming training.

In the statement made by the Directorate of Culture and Social Affairs, it was noted that registrations for sports courses, where training is provided for the 7-14 age group, continue and applications are received through the centers.


2024-06-29 15:20:49
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