Chloe Bibby joins Spar Girona for next season


Uni Girona announced this Wednesday the agreement reached to incorporate Australian power forward Chloe Bibby, 26 years old and 1.84 meters tall, from Polish Gorzow for next season.

On its website, Spar Girona highlighted Bibby’s time at two different universities in the United States. From the 2017/18 to 2019/20 season he played for the Mississippi State team, while in the last two campaigns he defended the colors of Maryland Athletics.

“This season she has played with Gorzow and has become MVP of the Polish league, averaging 20.8 points, 4.8 rebounds, 3.4 assists and 23.2 efficiency per game. In the Women’s Eurocup she has also stood out contributing 22 points, 7.7 rebounds, 3.1 assists and 21.5 efficiency per game,” the Girona press release stressed.

Laia Palau, sporting director of Spar Girona, valued this signing: “She is a ‘four’ shooter. A great three-point specialist. As a good Australian player, she is very complete. Strong and tough in contact, with the ability to dominate all aspects of the game. game”.

Palau also commented that Bibby “is now playing with the national team, preparing for the Olympic Games.” “It will allow us to provide greater richness in our offensive game,” concluded the Spar Girona sports director.

2024-06-26 19:34:07
#Chloe #Bibby #joins #Spar #Girona #season


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