Cold Snap Hits “Paris” Team at 3×3 Basketball Tournament; Quarter-Finals Promises International Competition

Cold snap for the “Paris” team eliminated this Saturday, June 22, at the group stage. It is a very international field which is expected in the quarter-finals.

Everything comes in time to those who wait… Unlike the women, confined again on Friday to the Palais des Sports d’Orléans, the basketball players of the Challenger 3×3 managed to set their noses outside, this Saturday afternoon, June 22, on the main court of Place du Martroi, in the city center.
A relief for the organizers including Fabrice Moreau, elected to the League, in charge of the development of the discipline in the Center – Val de Loire region. He does not remember such a time during previous editions.
Such rotten weather, to the point of weighing, this year, heavily on the attendance of a competition which is however free. “Friday evening, there were 200 people at the sports center,” he whispers. While the stands installed at the foot of the statue of Joan could accommodate “nearly 800”. The forty volunteers around the management team had no choice but to adapt… “Last year, everyone suffered from the heat,” remembers Fabrice Moreau. “This is why, this year, we took the option of a later schedule.” Ouch… It’s complicated to anticipate in the face of the vagaries of the heavens!

2024-06-22 20:43:00
#3×3 #basketball #Orléans #Paris #team #shine #return #sun


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