Concarneau Olympic Badminton Club Hosts Tenth Annual Peaux Bleues National Tournament This Weekend

Concarneau Tournament, Saturday and Sunday

The Concarneau Olympic Badminton Club (Bocc) is organizing its tenth edition of the Peaux Bleues national tournament this weekend. An anniversary which, in view of exogenous elements, is more in line with the desire to persist than with the desire to expand.

“The tournament could not be organized during the covid period,” explains Philippe Le Cam, co-president of the Bocc. Its resumption was then done more smoothly last year. “Before, we welcomed between 200 and 300 players to the tournament,” he continues. We have since moved to a formula with less than 200 registrations.”

A reduction in the number of participants which does not represent a problem for Philippe Le Cam who is above all keen to maintain a “good-natured” spirit around this tournament. “Our goal is to offer a welcoming environment to our competitors. If the 200 come back because they felt good, I will be super happy! “.

Because the evil is greater. In the grip, according to him, of a general lack of competitive badminton players and a disadvantageous demographic situation at the local level, the objective is only to “keep a home for badminton in the city with the club and the Peaux Bleues tournament”.

Alban Le Cam local and among the favorites

In the meantime, 180 bad players, from beginners to N3, have registered for this national tournament. “Alban Le Cam, club player and ranked N3, will be one of the favorites among the men,” indicates the president and father of. We’re going to push behind him! “.

Come to Porzou in Concarneau this weekend to find out the names of the winners. The men’s and women’s singles (morning) and mixed doubles (afternoon) will take place on Saturday. On Sunday, it’s time for the men’s and women’s doubles (morning) as well as the finals (afternoon).

2024-06-28 05:00:04
#Keeping #home #badminton #city #Concarneau #Olympic #badminton #club #organizing #tournament #weekend


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