Corsport: “Inter, it is taken for granted that this name will not be there in 24/25”

In the plans of Viale Liberazione, Gudmundsson should not be added to the current squad, but take the place of another striker

To make room for Albert Gudmundsson, Inter are working to close several transfers to cash in and free up space. Here is what Corriere dello Sport writes about it: “In the plans of Viale Liberazione, Gudmundsson should not be added to the current squad (already numerically complete especially in view of the UEFA list), but take the place of another striker.

It is taken for granted that Correa will no longer be available to Inzaghi by the end of the transfer window, with Lautaro, Thuram, the new entry Taremi and Arnautovic the offensive department, from this point of view, would already be done. In short, Arnautovic also needs to pack his bags. Except that the Austrian really doesn’t think about it, on the contrary. And with his 35 years and an salary of over 3 million he is certainly not easy to place.

2024-06-29 06:45:14
#Corsport #Inter #granted


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