Councilor Gianfreda’s Hot Plan: A Fundamental Service for the Community

Press Review – Councilor Gianfreda: «Fundamental service». Monitoring, help with shopping and collecting medicines

VANESSA ZAGAGLIA. Over 1200 calls have already been made by the Elderly Frailty Unit since May 15 alone. Upstream of these, the service known as the Hot Plan. Promoted by the municipality of Rimini in collaboration with Ausl Romagna, civil protection and third sector associations, the initiative is designed to reduce the impact of heat waves and respond to the needs of the district’s population. “A fundamental project for our community,” commented the councilor for Health Policies Kristian Gianfreda. “Especially in a period in which high temperatures can represent a risk for the most vulnerable people.”. (…)

Article taken from Corriere Romagna

2024-06-29 18:29:27
#Rimini #Heat #waves #calls #hot #plan #elderly


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