Cricket Comes to Sportpark Weil: Bundesliga Matches Now a Highlight of the Field

Following the merger between the Stuttgart Cricket Club and SV 1845 Esslingen, Bundesliga matches of the ball sport can now be seen at the Sportpark Weil.

There is a concentrated silence on the field. The players in their blue and orange uniforms take up their positions. The bowler slowly moves back, his eyes fixed on the batsman. With a powerful swing he takes a swing and throws the ball in one fluid movement. The batsman raises his bat and prepares for impact. If you walk through the Weil sports park in Esslingen, you can watch another ball sport in addition to football, baseball and volleyball on the green area at the back – cricket, which is still relatively unknown in this country.

2024-06-28 13:01:10
#Cricket #Esslingen #local #sports


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