Cuba to Participate in Brics Sports Games in Tatarstan

Cuba has announced its participation in the Sports Games of the emerging Brics countries, which will take place from the 12th to the 23rd of this month in the Republic of Tatarstan, Russia.

The Cuban representation will compete in wushu, basketball and soccer, reported the National Institute of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation (Inder).

In basketball and soccer, the innovative “phygital” method will be useda fusion of the physical and virtual environment, where the sum of the results in both will determine the final classification.

Approximately five thousand athletes from more than 90 countries are expected to participate, including BRICS members—Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa—and other invited countries, in this multi-sport competition.

Athletes will compete in a total of 27 sportswhich include, in addition to those already mentioned, athletics, swimming, diving, artistic and rhythmic gymnastics, canoeing, rowing, judo, fencing, tennis, weightlifting, badminton and wrestling.

There will also be competition in artistic swimming, horse riding, sambo, boxing, chess, karate, table tennis, as well as in rock’n roll acrobatic and breakingthe latter highlighted in the next Olympic Games in Paris 2024.

The main objective of the event, according to the organizers, is strengthen sporting and friendship ties between the Brics nations and the guest countrieswith principles of equality and non-discrimination in the eligibility of athletes.

This event will be the prelude to the Brics Summit to be held in October in Kazan, the capital of Tatarstan.

(With information from Prensa Latina)

2024-06-09 18:35:41
#Cuba #attend #Brics #Sports #Games


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