Danube Titans Experience a Rollercoaster Second Home Match Day

After the Danube Titans achieved two home wins on the first match day on their home field in Tulln, they went into the second home match day as clear favorites. On this day, they faced the Vienna Mets and the Vianna Bucks. Both opponents proved to be tough opponents, however, and in the end the Titans had to settle for one win and one loss, a so-called split.

The Titans did not find their strength from the first day of play, especially in the first game. The Mets started off like a shot and gave the Titans five points straight away. In the course of the following innings, the Titans struggled to catch up with the guests, but were never able to take the lead. A lack of consistency in the Danube Titans’ pitching allowed the Mets to score the points they needed to stay in front, and the Titans seemed inhibited offensively throughout the game.

High tension in the last inning

Nevertheless, it got really exciting at the end. With the score at 8:9 from the hosts’ perspective, they had runners on second and third base in the last inning. With a good hit, they could have tied the game and maybe even won. But the Mets managed to get out with good pitching and thus inflicted the Titans’ first loss of the season.

In the second game, the Titans tried to make amends, but the strain of the tough first encounter left its mark on the home team. Their strength and thus their concentration visibly waned and this game also became a hard-fought affair.

The Bucks did not get off to a lightning start, but the Titans were constantly behind in this game too, which was also due to an extremely strong hitting performance by the guests from Vienna.

The Titans were not willing to write off this match day with two defeats and fought against defeat. In the later innings, the home team got better and better and continuously caught up. In the last inning, the offense finally called on the potential that it showed on the first match day, grabbed the lead and held on to it. Final score: 11:8 for the Titans.

With three wins from four games, the Titans are currently in second place in the table, just behind the Rohrbach Crazy Geese from Burgenland. The Rohrbachers are hosting the third matchday on Saturday and from 11 a.m. there will be a big match between the currently best teams in the league. The Titans are the underdogs in this match, but the most recent matchday showed that a surprise is always possible in baseball.

2024-06-20 03:34:03
#Baseball #Exciting #split #Titans


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